Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why have your birth photographed?

Having given birth myself three times over, I know how empowering, emotional and breathtaking the birth process is. It is such an important, momentous event; one in which you meet the special little person you have been carrying for 9 months. 

When the time came my husband and my mother wanted to be with me in the moment in full support, not hidden behind a camera. Although I'm so grateful for their love and support,  I was left to rely on my memory of my babies at the time of birth. Unfortunately memories fade and become distorted over time. 

How I wish I could have photos of my babies' first breaths, the expression on my face when I saw them the first time. The love on my husband's face as he held our babies that first time. By the time we could manage for someone to take photos those moments had already passed, simply forgotten in the rush of events.

I would love for Laura and I to capture these moments for you, so that you can keep your memories alive. We will be aiming to capture the connection between you and your baby. Nothing overtly graphic or too clinical, just the very essence of love, beauty and life.

Take a look at this American birth photographer's website. These are the kind of images we wish to capture for you.

Check out our website for further details on what to expect and pricing!